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Aquabiking or Aquagym : 6 swimming pool sports vertus

25 . 04 . 19

Aquatic fitness is enjoying growing success with the constant creation of new classes. Aquadynamic ™, aquadouce or aquabike promise you many unsuspected benefits. Explanation with the coach.

More fun with pool sports
Practicing a fitness activity in the water really helps to disconnect from everyday life. With your half-immersed body you free yourself during the 45 minutes of the Aquabike, or Aquagym classes (in Lausanne and Geneva). With music and under the encouragement of the coach, the exercises go quickly.

As you float you get a sensation of ease and you can push to go beyond yourself sometimes. As on a cloud, the body weighs only 10% of its weight and yet each movement realized must fight against the resistance of the water which acts like weight.

Plus: the draining massage effect of water on the tissues. Anti-cellulite effect guaranteed!

Water classes that protect joints and back
Because there are no impact, fitness concepts like aquagym, aquabike, or aquadouce totally protect the back and the joints. And yet, we run, we trample, we jump and we lift weights! The water protects each movement, no deplorable side effect on the articular joints.

A proven slimming action
For the duration of an aquatic fitness class, the body must work twice as hard to fight against the resistance of the water and to maintain the right temperature. Result: it burns a maximum of calories. Ideal to lose weight!

Another advantage of the sport in the pool, and not the least, is the light legs and anti-cellulite effect such as aquabike classes. No doubt it’s the reason for the success of this discipline with women!

Want to try a class? See you at the Wellness Sport Club gym in Geneva or Lausanne !

Photo Credit : Agence Melbourne – Texts : Skom.

Auteur : WellNess Sport Club

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