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Muscle Strengthening

indoor bycicle course of high intensity

RPM™ Amateur, do not miss the Sprint™ !

Taught in your wellness fitness club in Geneva and Lausanne, the Sprint™ is based on an innovative training principle : HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training).

His secret ? A 45-minute express format that combines high peaks with short recovery times. The best for fast results on the line, endurance and performance !

sprint biking homme femme effort

A bike course
for cardio amateurs

The heart is racing, breathing is speeding up, legs are burning … with the Sprint™, the whole body is put to the test.

That’s why this Les Mills high intensity concept is for lovers of ultra-rhythmic disciplines such as Bodyattack™, boxing or Bodypump™.

Targeted areas

If the Sprint™ is a champion for burning calories, remember that it consumes energy several hours after exercise. As a bonus, this bike course tones legs, thighs and buttocks.

All while preserving the joints. Not bad !

Complementary activities
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