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Muscle Strengthening

the water class that has punch!

It’s in the swimming pool of your fitness center Wellness in Geneva that we will meet for an aquaboxing course.

Ultra-rhythmic, this group course is inspired by several martial arts from which it draws combinations of blows.

Fist-foot movements and other fighting figures take place in the aquatic environment, without any direct blow to the opponent. Ideal to spend and empty the mind of any concern !

For everyone

In a combative mood but you do not dare to cross the threshold of a martial arts room? The aquaboxing is for you !

Punchy, this course connects the most daring figures while remaining very accessible. Why? Because the water limits the impacts and dampens shocks while ensuring balance.

Gentle muscle building

Gentle for the joints, the sport in the water drains, tones and curves the silhouette.

So many qualities that make aquaboxing the essential discipline of those who wish to blow off steam while remodeling their body gently.


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